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Data Acquisition for the CRIS experiment at ISOLDE

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Mallard for CRIS at ISOLDE

Mallard (Multi-Analog LossLess Acquisition of Resonance Data) is data acquisition software for the Collinear Resonant Ionization Spectroscopy experiment at CERN.

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Two things frequently occur at CERN: everything is an acronym (CERN, LHC, ATLAS, ALICE, ISOLDE, CRIS, ...), and the DAQ/duck joke is made (a yellow rubber duck sits on the data acquisition desk in the ATLAS control room). The obvious challenge then for any self respecting summer student is to combine both of these, and so came Mallard: Multi Analog LossLess Acquistion of Resonance Data


Mallard is designed for efficient data acquisition and experimental control on the CRIS experiment at ISOLDE at CERN. The software interfaces a National Instruments USB-6211 card that connects to the lasers, counters and trigger. The experiment requires the software to scan across a range of voltages set on an analogue output, and at each voltage measure counts (from the MCP) and an analogue input (relative intensity of the laser). The user selects the voltage range across which to scan, how many volts should be set in a given interval, and how many scans across the full voltage range should be performed. The timing of the voltage change comes from an external trigger that is also connected to the scanning laser.

During the data acquisition the software continuously graphs the current count rate and analogue input voltage measured, as well as the average so far in order to provide the user with an idea of whether the measurements are drifting from normal. The raw data of counts and analogue input measurements is collected and saved to disk, as well as an integrated file showing the measurements at each voltage averaged over a number of scans.


Mallard is written in python and so requires a python distribution such as Anaconda.


Mallard has the following dependencies:

Installing SciPy on Windows can be tedious, so use Anaconda which comes with it pre-installed. Don't install wxPython using easy_install or pip as these install some bizarre empty package. Instead, download the windows installer directly from their website (see above).


NIDAQmx from National Instruments provides the base set of drivers to interface the card. The full set of functionality is only available on Windows. At time of writing the latest version was 9.7 which can be downloaded from NIDAQmx installs a header file containing all the C library function definitions. The location of this file must be noted and an installation file in PyDAQmx modified accordingly (see PyDAQmx documentation for details).


From source

The source code can be downloaded (as zip or tar.gz) from the github repository. Extract it to a convenient folder then, from the top level mallard directory it can be installed by python install. Then mallard can be launched in the usual way, or if you prefer to use it within a python script itself it can be called using import mallard etc.

Windows installer

A windows installer for the python package can be downloaded from the sourceforge page which will install it as a python package.

System requirements

Due to the availability of NI-DAQmx Mallard only runs on windows. Despite all data being held in RAM, during system tests it was found that 500 scans with 50 intervals per scan only takes up about 150MB, so this is certainly not a limiting factor.


Basic Capture

To begin Mallard, navigate to the root mallard folder, and start by

python -m mallard.main

Due to a multiprocessing bug under python on windows we can't have the usual folder to begin the module as python mallard.

Each acquisition session of data corresponding to a particular set of settings is known as a capture. Each capture is represented by a tab in the GUI, and a new capture can be opened by File -> New Capture. Captures can be saved (see below), but cannot be reloaded into Mallard as there is currently no data analysis functionality. However, the settings for a new capture can be loaded from an old capture by File -> Load Capture then selecting the capture you wish to open.

The capture begins by pressing 'Start Capture', and can be stopped by selecting Capture -> Kill Capture. The current voltage and MCP count is displayed on the screen, as well as the scan average superimposed on the graph. The graph can be saved at any time using the Matplotlib functionality on screen.

The graph style can be changed at any time by going to File -> Preferences. The graph style can be set separately for the count graph and for the voltage graph. There are three different types:

In these preferences you can also set the style of the 'mean'. Selecting 'normalised' graphs each count divided by the number of scans, whereas 'cumulative' gives the sum of all counts across all scans.

Plots can be saved using the controls on the plot itself. To move the plot around, select the 'Pan' symbol and drag with the left mouse click. To zoom in and out, both horizontally and vertically, select the 'Pan' symbol and drag with the right mouse button.

Key Concepts
File Output

When mallard runs it creates two datasets: every count measurement at every interval across every scan, and likewise for the analog input readings. These are then averaged over the scans to give a third 'integrated' dataset. As such, mallard outputs 3 data files. If the capture name is 'mycapture' then these files are:

Each of these files is in comma separated value format and contains a header, denoted by '#' at the beginning of each line, containing the settings listed in key concepts above. As such, any file can be used to recover capture settings for a new capture.

Mallard doesn't yet have any in built analysis, but with the data in this format it should be easy enough. The data can be opened directly in excel, or using numpy in python as follows:

import numpy as np
data = np.loadtxt('mycapture.integrated.csv', delimiter=',')
voltage_intervals = data.T[0] # need to transpose matrix
counts = data.T[1]
ai_readings = data.T[2]

and voltage, counts and ai_readings can be analysed using any of the standard tools in SciPy.


Mallard is written in python and is under git source control.

Package Layout

The mallard package is organised into several sub-packages:


This provides base functionality for the package including data and file handling. CaptureSession represents an abstract (ie has no attached daq interface or gui), and manages calls for file management and data acquisition. SessionSettings represents the settings for a given capture session, including input, output and counter channels. CaptureSession holds the 'master' copy, though since everything in python is a pointer all copies (held by all mallard.core modules). However, after settings are changed some things must be recalculated (such as voltage intervals), so if a module uses SessionSettings it's not okay to assume changes elsewhere will be safely reflected in the current location. DataManager holds runtime data and has the queue.get() method to receive data from the interface. It also calculates the averages across scans, and calls the GraphManager (which provides the interface between mallard.core and the gui package). FileManager deals with file input and output. It can generate the header from SessionSettings and can read in and parse settings and filenames.


This contains only one module called Acquire that interfaces the USB-6211 card. If the card needs changed in future then only this module needs rewritten. It is the only module in the entire package that is just a function, as spawning processes that are class methods using the multiprocessing module is very difficult (maybe impossible?). All this module needs are the session settings (for channel names and rates) and a multiprocessing.Queue to report the data back to DataManager.


This provides the graphical user interface using wxPython. MFrame is the base wx.Frame used, which owns a CaptureNotebook. This CaptureNotebook holds CapturePanes, each of which corresponds to a CaptureSession. The GraphManager provides a link between the DataManager and the gui, updating the graph on screen with the data coming in. SettingsDialog simply displays a dialog that lets the user change all the different settings.


Holds all the obsolete and test scripts created along the way, in case they come in handy at a later point. May be changed to `old' in future.


Mallard errors

ImportError: Matplotlib backend_wx and backend_wxagg require wxversion, which was not found.

Sometimes the wxversion module is missing. Download it from and install in your site-packages directory (for Anaconda this is usually C:/Anaconda/lib/site-packages).

NIDAQmx Errors

The specified resource is reserved. The operation could not be completed as specified.

This means a task is still running on the device. To end the task and recover, open the NIDAQmx utility from Start -> National Instruments -> NiMAX. Select Devices and Interfaces -> NI USB 6211 then select 'Reset Device', and await confirmation.


Originally written by Kieran Campbell (@kieranrcampbell) as part of the CERN summer student program.